At that time, I started working for Therapeutic Associates. I was only with them a short time (1 year) before moving to Berlin, Wisconsin. There, I worked for Community Health Network. At CHN, I developed the occupational therapy program for Berlin Memorial Hospital and Juliette Manor, a nursing home. I also worked 1 day a week in a sheltered workshop for clients with psychiatric diagnoses as well as developmental delays. I find that my work with CHN really developed my ability to empathize with my current hand therapy clients. I saw such a big variety of diagnoses that really helps guide my critical thinking. When a new surgeon moved into town that did a lot of hand surgeries, I started to focus my career toward hand therapy.
After CHN, I began working at the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics in the hand therapy clinic. I gained the majority of my specialized skills here, and took my Certified Hand Therapy exam while working at UWHC (1994). I was regularly called into the operating room to observe different hand, wrist, elbow, and shoulder surgeries. It was fascinating and I learned so much. I eventually became the lead therapist in the hand clinic and taught various classes at state OT conferences. During this time, I also was president of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Society of Hand Therapists for 3 years.
I moved to Rockford at the end of 1998. I worked at OSF St. Anthony for several years. At that time, we were located in the Rockford Orthopedic building and later at the OSF Center for Health. I earned my Masters of Science degree in OT in 1999. I eventually was hired outright by Rockford Orthopedics and worked closely with the hand surgeons there until I opened Helping Hands Rehab.
On a personal note, I married my husband Tom in 2002, and we have 2 beautiful boys. In my free time, I enjoy gardening, cooking, and painting. I also spend time transporting our boys to their various activities. I am the room mom for my older son. I also am one of the main organizers for our subdivision garage sale and a Sunday school teacher. I am not a fan of football, but if someone makes me choose a team, it would have to choose the Packers. But I am a fan of the Chicago Cubs.
I am hoping to write a bi-weekly blog. My goal is to introduce topics of interest for you. If you wish to introduce a topic, please send me your ideas at Obviously, we will be discussing things that relate to hand, wrist, forearm, elbow, or shoulder issues.
Thanks for reading. I hope to have you visit again!!