Another Soapbox

Let me start by referring everyone to This is the Hand Therapy Certification Commission website. Why am I referring you to this particular website? Because IT HAPPENED AGAIN! What happened? I was talking to a current client who has a friend who went elsewhere to “hand therapy”. I asked where and which therapist (the ... Read More

Why should I see a “Hand Therapist”? Isn’t that the same as Physical Therapy?

The hand is a unique area of the human body that is made up of bone, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, nerves, skin, and blood vessels. These elements must all be in good working order for the hand to function well. The relationship between all these structures is delicate and refined. An injury or disease can affect any or all of these structures and impair the use of the hand. ... Read More

Weekend Warriors With Lateral Epicondylitis?

What is lateral epicondylitis?Lateral epicondylitis, more commonly referred to as Tennis Elbow, is an irritation of the muscle origin of the extensor carpi radialis brevis at the elbow. If it is a chronic problem, it is considered a tendonosis. A person may have a build-up of scar tissue from small tears in the muscle. If it is a recent problem it is considered a tendonitis, in which pain is due to inflammation. ... Read More

My Soap Box:

Scenario 1: A family member just went to therapy elsewhere. When I asked him how it was going, he said he has seen 4 different therapists in 3 weeks. Each time he saw someone else, they asked him: ... Read More

Needs verse Wants—part 3

This is the last part in our series distinguishing between needs and wants. We have discussed the difference and similarities of needs and wants. We have determined that sometimes they are the same thing, and other times they are vastly different. ... Read More

Needs verses wants: Part 1—Get the care you need

A couple of months ago, I had a potential patient call. She had fallen and broken her wrist, had surgery to put in a plate to stabilize the fracture, and had gotten out of the cast about a month ago. She had started therapy at another facility in town. She wasn’t happy with the care and progress so far. She felt she wasn’t going to get better as fast as she wanted. She was asking if she could switch to see me. I obviously said yes. ... Read More